The Digital Twin for Monitoring Distributed Wireless Infrastructures

For the cell tower world, the customers’ goal was focused on creating the digital model of the wireless infrastructure to thoroughly understand the assets’ state-of-the-art, acquiring new data useful for streamlining the decision-making and operational processes of the involved companies.

3D4U Cell Tower - AI Virtual tour through 360 images
New Changer Tech - A 360° image virtual tour of a rooftop cell tower equipment room

The customer needed to resolve a series of critical issues such as limited information about the location and volumes of the assets that make up the network, lengthy and costly maintenance activities, and the failure to account for economic flows relative to the infrastructure elements.

Cell Tower – AI solution was the platform provided to facilitate the acquisition of new field data through drones and smartphones, process the digital twin of the infrastructure, take measurements and remotely verify the state of the assets, enrich the database, and automatically recognize devices through artificial intelligence, up to the creation of customized technical reports.

For this use case, New Changer Tech addressed the main problems encountered by the customers in the decision-making phase, supporting them in the mapping and inspection of over 14,000 assets of a wireless infrastructure network spread over a large area in 4 different countries.

3D4U Cell Tower - AI Automatic recognition of antennas modules
New Changer Tech - AI-based automatic antenna inspection on digital twin

The case study’s results and benefits can be summarized as follows:

Increased accuracy of information about geo-referenced assets

Decrease staff outgoings for network inspection and streamline maintenance activities to reduce operational costs and risk exposure

Relate economic-administrative flows to physical network elements for optimized verification for authorizing payments

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