Token Explanation

What is a token?

Tokens are digital credits that enable 3D4U users to fully utilize the platform’s capabilities by adding and processing data in the software according to their own needs.
Every time new data is input or processed by the software, tokens are used.

How does it work? How to use it?

Tokens are linked to a company and can be purchased in bundles.
Once a company is registered and the first user license is activated, it would be possible to survey and import data into the software drawing from the token pool to elaborate, store, and perform analysis and database enrichment on 2D vector files, images, notes, and 3D models. 

Therefore, tokens are scaled based on their allocated value per module and according to data input quantity, size, and type of activity performed, as shown in the tab below:

Fiber Network - AI

Unit of Measurement

Min. Quantity

Digital Twin
token / linear meter
Network Survey
token / surveyed object
token / house number
token / house number
Asset Mirror
token / 360 sphere

Cell Tower - AI

Digital Twin
token / cell tower
Network Survey
token / surveyed object
Data Insight
token / cell tower


Asset Mirror
token / 360 sphere

Feel free to export information and repeatedly run multiple digital tools based on single-input data with no extra costs.

Additionally, we give up to 3000 tokens for free if you are new to the solution to test it out.
Token volume
Price per token
< 50.000
0,50 €
≥ 50.000
0,35 €
≥ 100.000
0,20 €

Practical Examples

Case 1
The CEO of a small FTTH design firm is looking for a solution to plan 5 km of optic fibre networks. The company has all the data (housing unit locations, street manholes, TLC poles, etc.) necessary to start planning according to technical specifications.

How to proceed:
Activating 3D4U Fiber Network – AI (Professional package) with an ideal number of user licenses to plan the whole infrastructure. In this scenario, tokens would not be needed.

Case 2
The CDO of an MNO corporate company needs to optimize business operations by digitizing its wireless infrastructure starting with a first segment of 50 cell towers and 50 equipment rooms. The manager needs, at first, to acquire the data on-field with their operators and, secondly, generate the assets’ digital twin.

How to proceed:
Besides activating Cell tower – AI subscribing to 3D4U Enterprise users’ licenses, the CDO should purchase up to 15.000 tokens to reach the expected outcomes.